June 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Digital Candy!!

June is Digital Candy's One year birthday! Tons of games and fun challenges going on over at Digital Candy they are having a month long partner challenge and I am having a blast. I have never scrapped with a partner before it is quite an experience. The partner challenge consist of one partner starting a LO and the other finishing it, you have to both have the same kit and only have one week to complete the challenge. My parnter is the talented Susan...aka SusanMcG at Digital Candy. Here are a couple of pages we have done so far.

Birthday Challenge #1 done by Myself and SusanMcG
Font: Curlz and Abusive Pencil
Alpha by Jennifer Lynn (Using papers from A Woman's Way by JenLin)
Papers and elements from A Woman's Way by JenLin
Cupcake Template by Trish H. Designs

Challenge #2 Interview LO done by Myself(Jennifer Lynn) and SusanMcG for Digital Candy's Birthday Bash.
Kit - [url-http://www.digitalcandy.ca/shoppe/product.php?productid=288&cat=0&page=1url]Mary Jane[/url] by Danielle Corbitt
Fonts - Cataneo BT and Dauphin and BernhardMod BT