September 25, 2007

CT LO using Grade'a'Grunge Paper Pack.

Here is another CT for Ziggle Designs Grade'a'Grunge paper pack. I started this LO last night and spent 3 hours on it. Well 3am I was finally complete with the LO and while saving my PSP crashes....UGH!! I lost everything I just spent 3 hours on! Well this morning I redid the whole LO and got it uploaded here it is:

CT LO for Ziggle Designs, using Grade'a'Grunge paper pack.
It's not easy to grow up
Grade'a'Grunge Paper pack by Ziggle Designs
Heart swirl by Bannerwoman Design's
Ribbons by Newlife's dreams
Star swirl by Petra Skyvova
Journaling paper by Brittney at britt-ish designs
Arrow by Jennifer LaRoche (myself)
Fonts used Laundromat 1967, Arial Narrow, Facelift, and StampAct

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