May 8, 2007

The Scrap Gypsies

Have you all heard the Scrap Gypsies have a new home.
Scrap Gypsies is about breaching the barrier between paper, hybrid, and digital scrapping and crafting. This community is so friendly, warm and welcoming. About a month ago I applied for the Scrap Gypsies CT call. I have never been on a CT and was really nervous about appling. I have confidence in my digi ablity, but when I take a look at others and their work mine almost seems simple and plain. There are some really talented digi scrapper out there. I knew this being my first call that I really had no chance what so ever.........but I got the email saying I was choosen for a spot on the stand by team. I couldn't believe it, thanks Dianne. Now all I have to do is wait for someone on the CT to decide to drop off. Oh and I will be there with bells on...

So stop by and check out the Scrap Gypsies!

On to other news. I need a banner really bad. I have been working on one for about 2 weeks now and I am still at square one!! I never thought making a banner would be so hard, but once again I have been proven wrong. I just can not come up with some I really like. Something that really reflects my personality. Oh well, hopefully soon I will get it together

I am off to bed now, been so tired lately. I finished a layout tonite I will upload it tomorrow. Nightie, night all.

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